Preventive and curative therapies for different types of cancer performed in the NEOS laboratory

Numerous studies carried out in numerous clinics and university centres around the world, have demonstrated the link between body frequency (vibration) and disease.

The highest vibrations are provided by pure essential oils and never by drugs ❗

The Calibrated Frequency Monitor ( CFM) conducted by Bruce Tainio of Tainio Technology Eastern Washington University has calculated the frequencies of essential oils.

Robert O.Becker M.D. demonstrates that our body contains an electrical frequency ( vibration ) that significantly influences our health ( The Body Electric )

Nikola Tesla : by eliminating the frequencies that affect our bodies we will be less prone to illness.

Dr. Otto Warburg (2 NOBEL awards): human cells have an electrical voltage and there is no doubt that certain diseases can be developed as a result of some frequencies while others can be prevented by other higher frequency values.

Renowned immunologist M Suhail demonstrates the importance of essential oils in preventing and curing cancer:
“Cancer started when the DNA code in the cell nucleus broke down and this is where essential oils come in and can RESTORE the condition of the DNA code with the amendment that ESSENTIAL OILS MUST BE PURE ❗ not synthetics or diluted with additives or alcohol.

In preventative and healing therapies NEOS through private consultations, establishes the cause of disease occurrence to remove the effects , so that there is a cure that does not relapse.

Full health is achieved through harmony of mind , body and soul !

Each therapy for any type of cancer is based on synergistic mixtures that achieve the elimination of the respective tumor starting with detoxifying the body, increasing the body’s immunity, balancing emotional states (removing as appropriate depression, anxiety, melancholy, fear, panic, nervousness, past or present traumas) all contributing to physical, intellectual and spiritual health.

NEOS therapies require everyone to think and act only positive thoughts and actions, love and forgiveness, vibrational meditation and respect the laws of the Universe ❗

In the prevention and healing of various types of cancer, NEOS uses over a hundred types of essential oils from plants, flowers and trees, in a HOLISTIC APPROACH for FULL HEALTH❗ ❗ ❗ ❗
For the elimination of various types of tumors, in NEOS therapies are found pure essential oils with the highest vibration and healing power!

Prevention and cure therapies for various types of cancer performed in the NEOS laboratory

New data on cancer from Johns Hopkins Research University:

1. Cancer cells exist in every person’s body. These cancer cells are not detected by standard tests until their number reaches several billion. (That is, when the cancer is already deeply rooted in the body. Therefore, traditional diagnostic methods, which are often positioned as early diagnosis, in reality, diagnose too late). When doctors, after treatment, tell cancer patients that there are no more cancer cells in their body, it just means that their tests cannot detect cancer cells because their number does not reach detectable numbers.

2. Cancer cells appear in the body from 6 to more than 10 times during a person’s lifetime.

3. When a person’s immune system is strong, it destroys cancer cells, preventing them from multiplying and forming tumors.
4. When a person is diagnosed with cancer, it means that he has multiple nutritional deficiencies. This can be caused by environmental, lifestyle, genetic and nutritional factors.

5. Overcoming these multiple nutritional deficiencies, dietary changes and essential oils are helpful in strengthening the immune system.

6. Chemotherapy involves the poisoning of actively growing cancer cells, but also destroys healthy growing cells in the bone marrow, gastrointestinal tract, etc. and can cause damage to internal organs such as liver, kidneys, heart, lungs, etc.

7. Radiation therapy, by destroying cancer cells, also burns and damages healthy cells, internal tissues and organs.

8. Initial radiation treatment and chemotherapy often reduce the size of the tumor. However, prolonged use of radiation and chemotherapy does not lead to subsequent destruction of the tumor.

9. When the body accumulates too many toxic effects of radiation and chemotherapy, the immune system is affected or destroyed and, for this reason, the body is exposed to various infections and complications.

10. Radiation and chemotherapy can alter cancer cells and increase their resistance to treatment, making it difficult to kill them. Surgery can also cause cancer cells to spread to other tissues and organs.

15. Cancer is a disease of the mind, body and spirit. ❗ ❗ ❗

A proactive and positive approach to health will help the cancer fighter overcome the disease. Irritability, resentment and the inability to forgive increase the level of stress in the body and create an acidic environment. Strive for love and forgiveness. Learn to relax and enjoy life.

Dr. Eric Zielinski +
(Updated February 13, 2017)

“ Cancer is not a death sentence. Not only is there hope, there are many natural solutions that people have successfully implemented for literally centuries! And the TRUTH ❗ ❗ ❗ about essential oils and cancer is this: Research suggests that oils can help, not only prevent,❗❗❗” but also treat cancer and its debilitating side effects.

It is important to remember that peer-reviewed articles discuss the success of clinical researchers and experience in the use of various essential oils to prevent, stop and even reverse the growth of various cancer lines in animal and human cell studies. ❗ ❗ ❗

In the prevention and cure of different types of cancer, NEOS uses over a hundred types of essential oils from plants, flowers and trees, in a HOLISTIC APPROACH for a FULL HEALTH❗ ❗ ❗

For the elimination of different types of tumors in NEOS therapies there are pure essential oils with the highest vibration and healing power, and I present some of the essential oils used and research related to Cancer.

Here are some of the studies on selected essential oils that discuss the benefits of cancer patients:


A major component of incense sage essential oil, sclareol, has shown some promising anti-cancer effects in laboratory tests.

Over the last 20 years, but also recently, in 2015, studies appeared that analyze the effect of sclareol on cancer cells. Respondents

believe that these benefits have occurred within laboratory culture and sclareol dose adjustments may have an impact on how cancer cells proliferate and may help to induce apoptosis (cancer cell death).

While this does not tell us how much potential sclareol needs to directly treat cancer – and it is interesting to think about where we might end up in a day! – It is a common thread that we see in many essential oils rich in antioxidants. This is especially interesting for sage, which also contains high levels of phytoestrogens, which are usually avoided in those with certain breast cancers. With the potential anti-cancer benefits built into sage, you have to wonder if it is meant to work as a whole package, which ultimately only offers benefits.


It can be argued that incense is the most powerful drug essential oil in existence. Recent research studies suggest that incense not only destroys cancer cells, but also promotes health and vitality in neighboring non-cancer cells.

While we know that various forms of incense (essential oils, extracts, pure resin, etc.) have the potential to fight cancer, many are left to fend for themselves, making it a controversial topic in the field health and natural world research.

Current research demonstrates anti-mutagenic abilities and apoptosis (programmed cell death). Although the results were produced in laboratory tests and we have yet to see how these results best reproduce in human active cancer, the proven results remain valid. The researchers found that boswellic acids are “cytotoxic to ovarian cancer cells at achievable pharmacological concentrations” and “may form the basis of a new ovarian cancer treatment, probably in combination with allopathic chemotherapy.” However, there is a serious debate as to whether incense oil contains boswellic acid (BAS).

Whether it is due to BAS or other phytochemicals in incense essential oil, studies continue to appear, demonstrating similar effects on bladder, breast, colon, skin, stomach, and pancreatic cancer.

For those who have added incense (essential oil) to their cancer PROTOCOL / treatment plan, the benefits may go beyond anti-tumor effects. In particular, it helps in managing the side effects of allopathic cancer treatments, which can be more painful and difficult than the cancer symptoms themselves. Brain cancer patients, for example, sometimes experience head swelling called cerebral edema after their tumors have been removed. Steroid treatment is commonly associated with difficult side effects and complications.

Incense, on the other hand, has shown remarkable effects against this particular problem. In 2011, a clinical study evaluating 44 monitored incense proved to be a remedy for cerebral edema. In 60% of patients, the swelling was reduced by 75% or more. The concluding remarks called for incense to be prescribed for cerebral edema in these circumstances, avoiding the struggles of steroid therapy [10].

Incense essential oil has also been used successfully to treat problems related to digestion, the immune system, oral health, respiratory concerns and stress / anxiety.

A recurring theme in any natural health discussion, antioxidants are, in fact, the super healers our culture needs. Free radicals created by toxins, pollutants, chemicals, and even stress are to blame for a cascade of cell damage, inhibition of the immune system, and other unlimited health risks – including chronic disease and cancer.

If free radicals are the negative character, antioxidants are the hero.

The body creates antioxidants in the form of the enzymes glutathione peroxidase (GSH-Px), superoxide dismutase (SOD) and catalase (CAT), among others. But exposing our bodies to a violent attack of free radicals and sedentary lifestyle… .our natural production is not always enough.

We have already seen some super antioxidants, such as garlic clove essential oil, and lavender joins as a support – powerful natural antioxidant.

Chinese researchers have observed that lavender essential oil would regulate all three high levels of antioxidant enzymes in mice on the first day of treatment.

In Romania, researchers observed a similar activity using inhaled lavender for an hour every day and, according to the study, “Taken together, our results suggest that the antioxidant and antiapoptotic activities of lavender essential oils are major mechanisms for their potent neuroprotective effects against scopolamine-induced oxidative stress in the rat brain ”, which can lead to serious illness and cancer.


To date, seven studies have evaluated the connection of lemongrass with cancer.

In 2009, a study was published that evaluated the essential oil of a lemon grass variety of Cymbopogon flexuosus for its in vitro cytotoxicity against 12 lines of human cancer cells, as well as effects against cancer in vivo in mice. The results were quite promising, the researchers found that different mechanisms of how the oil killed the cancer lines.

“Our results indicate that the essential oil has a promising anti- cancer activity and causes the loss of viability of tumor cells by activating the process of apoptosis identified by electron microscopy.”


The ability of myrrh essential oil in curing cancer is becoming a popular topic in the industry. One of the more detailed studies on this topic was published in the journal Letters in Oncology in 2013, and this is what they discovered about incense and myrrh oils:

“The effects of the two essential oils, independently and as a mixture, on five tumor cell lines, MCF-7, HS-1, HepG2, HeLa, and A549, were investigated using the MTT test. The results indicated that the MCF-7 and HS-1 cell lines showed sensitivity to myrrh and incense essential oils compared to the remaining cell lines. In addition, the anticancer effects of myrrh were significantly increased

compared to those of incense, however, no significant synergistic effects were identified. “

Recommendation: For a truly biblical combination, use incense essential oils along with myrrh for a synergistic blend of antimicrobial benefits.

In particular, these two resins are generally prescribed simultaneously in traditional Chinese medicine. They are mainly used to treat blood stagnation and inflammatory diseases, as well as to relieve pain and swelling. “A previous study identified that a combination of incense and desmirna oils had synergistic effects on harmful bacterial infections Cryptococcus neoformans and Pseudomonas aeruginosa.

Mint and grass create:
According to a 2014 article in Biomed Research International, mint and asthma are extremely effective in helping cancer patients manage the side effects of cancer itself – as well as allopathic treatments taken directly from the article, the ability of these precious oils (such as and the others mentioned below) to combat the effects of cancer is literally amazing •

“Cancer patients suffer from various side effects, which can be reduced preferentially by alternative methods. Essential oils are used in aromatherapy to reduce the agony of brain cancer patients. Essential oils are effective in depression and reducing anxiety in cancer patients. Cancer patients treated with chemotherapy, one of the most commonly used in the treatment of cancer, are prone to various side effects.

These are nausea and vomiting. Mentha spicata [izma] and M. piperita [mint] have been shown to be effective in overcoming these vomiting conditions (induced by chemotherapy, nausea and vomiting, CINV), while reducing treatment costs in cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy. .

Essential oils of Leptospermum scoparium and Kunzea ericoides have been reported to prevent mucositis in patients with head and neck

cancer undergoing radiotherapy when used in the preparation of mouthwash.

• Some cancer patients who have metastatic tumorigenic ulcers from necrosis and unpleasant skin odors.

Patients suffering from this have reported that they have an improvement in their condition when treating these ulcers with the mixture of eucalyptus essential oils with Melaleuca, lemongrass, lemon, clove leaves, thyme and on a 40% ethanol basis.


• EO (essential oil) lavender is widely used in aromatherapy and has been shown to be beneficial in reducing stress and discomfort in cancer patients. Therefore, essential oils are good in valuable preparations in relieving side effects and suffering of cancer patients.


In an article in the journal Molecules 2010, cancer cells were evaluated to see how they could withstand 10 strong essential oils. Thyme was one of these oils, and was noted by the crowd as the most beneficial against prostate cells, lung carcinoma and breast cancers. While it can’t be said enough that these studies are preliminary, I’m hopeful for the future if existing products naturally replace toxic chemicals for cancer treatment and – dare I say healing ❗❗❗

Being one of the top plants for estrogen binding, thyme may be able to help balance the body and regulate hormones.

In fact, this is not the only time I have seen an estrogenic plant with remarkable potential against cancer. Because cancer often has estrogen receptors, so it is fueled by something estrogenic, we often suggest you avoid the same estrogen if you have or are at increased risk for cancer. But with a strong anti-cancer potential, one day we may discover that what we thought were cancer-causing plants were really helping our bodies fight cancer on their own.

And the list of essential oils with a role in prevention and cure can continue… ..!

Dear people , I often say about the Earth that it is a LIVING organism that acts very finely on human actions and thoughts ❗

Everything in the Universe is based on ENERGY and INFORMATION and information is the great engine for human health and prosperity!

The correct information along with consciousness represents the FOUNDATION of LIFE in the UNIVERSE ❗ ❗ ❗

To carry out cancer prevention and cure therapies, a number of information is required (either by filling in the form on the website or by requesting a private consultation by phone).
NEOS through prevention and healing therapies based on pure essential oil blends offers a safe path to full health and beauty that springs from within without the years taking their toll 🌈 🌏 💞 💐